Perched in the hills with materials to endure its environment
The Dusk residence incorporates high-level engineering design with material choices that reflect its environment, establishing a connection between the home and its natural surroundings.
Project Name: Dusk Category: Residential Location: Santa Rosa, CA Year Built: 2023 Status: Complete
Team: Evenich Construction, Sam Lowe (SDL Designs)
The project involved building a brand-new structure to replace the residence destroyed in the 2017 wildfires. Close coordination with the contractor ensured for economical foundation design to minimize the volume of concrete, as well as numerous other general value engineering revisions before starting construction - ensuring that the project remained on budget for the owner.
Additional structural details include an interior 2-stop residential elevator, vaulted ceiling with exposed glulam beam trusses, an exterior covered porch on the second floor to maximize views of the surrounding area, an accessory garage building, and site retaining walls.